How do you prepare a Vermont high school, college, university transcript for an apostille?

The transcript must be certified/signed by a school official (principal, registrar, counselor, etc.) The signature of the school official must be original.
Sample certification:
The signature of the school official must be notarized by a Vermont Notary Public. The notary must use a notarial certificate, otherwise the document cannot be apostilled. The best notarial certificate would be the Acknowledgment (sample certificate from Vermont Notary Statutes, Rules and Resourses):
Acknowledgment (individual capacity):
Other acceptable notarial certificates (Vermont Statutes Annotated)
Acknowledgment (representative capacity):
Attensting a signature:
Can a Vermont notary certify a copy of a transcript?
According to the apostille requirements of the Vermont Secretary of State for school documents, "academic documents must include a Vermont notarized attestation by the school registrar regarding the authenticity of the document".
Notaried copies of school transcripts, not certified and signed by a school official, might be rejected for apostilles.