How do you prepare a Mississippi high school, college, university transcript for an apostille?

The transcript must be certified/signed by a school official (principal, registrar, counselor, etc.) The signature of the school official must be original.
Sample certification:
This is the original transcript issued to [ name of the student ].
[ Original signature of the school official ] [ Date ]
The signature of the school official must be notarized by a Mississippi notary public.
The most commonly used notarial secrtificate is the Acknowledgment:
Acknowledgment (individual)
State of Mississippi
County of _________
Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority in and for the said county and state on this day of , 20 , within my jurisdiction, the within named (name of the school official who signed the document) , who acknowledged that (he) (she) executed the above and foregoing instrument.
(Signature of Notary Public)
Notary Public [ Stamp/seal ]
My commission expires:
Other acceptable notarial certificates:
Acknowledgment (representative capacity)
State of Mississippi
County of _________
Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority in and for the said county and state on this day of , 20 , within my jurisdiction, the within named (name of the school official who signed the document) , who acknowledged that (he) (she) is (position of the signer, e.g. Principal, Registrar, etc.) of (name of the school) and that in said representative capacity (he) (she) executed the above and foregoing instrument, after first having been duly authorized so to do.
(Signature of Notary Public)
Notary Public [ Stamp/seal ]
My commission expires:
State of Mississippi
County of _________
Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me, on (date) by (name of the school official who signed the document) .
(Signature of Notary Public)
Notary Public [ Stamp/seal ]
My commission expires:
Can a notary certify a copy of a transcript?
However, please check with the receiving foreign school / agency if they will accept a notarized copy. Many foreign schools require an original transcript signed by the school principal or registrar.