How do you prepare a Michigan high school, college, university transcript for an apostille?

The transcript must be certified/signed by a school official (principal, registrar, counselor, etc.) The signature of the school official must be original.
Sample certification:
Transcripts with the signature of a school official and the school seal applied by the school registrar are not sufficient. The signature of the school official must be notarized by a Michigan Notary Public. The following items must be included in the notarization:
- Notary's full name
- Notary's original signature
- The date of notarization
- Notary's commission expiration date
- Notary's county of commission
- The county of execution (venue) if different from the county of comission
The best notarial certificate would be the "Certificate of Acknowledgment"
Acceptable notarial certificates:
Can a Michigan notary certify a copy of a transcript?
IMPORTANT! The State of Michigan does not allow copy certification. (Note: The document custodian can make a written statement that the document is a true copy, and sign that statement. That signature can be notarized.)