How do you prepare a Connecticut high school, college, university transcript for an apostille?

importantThe transcript must be certified/signed by a school official (principal, registrar, counselor, etc.) The signature of the school official must be original.

Sample certification:

This is the original transcript issued to [ name of the student ].
[ Original signature of the school official ] [ Date ] 

importantThe signature of the school official must be notarized by a Connecticut notary public. The notary must use a notarial certificate, otherwise the document cannot be apostilled. The best notarial certificate would be the Acknowledgment (Connecticut Notary Public Guide).

Connecticut state law does not require that notaries obtain and use a seal, or rubber stamp. Even though the use of a seal is optional, state law does prescribe the format of the seal to be used. The notary seal must include the notary's name as it appears on their certificate of appointment, the words "Notary Public" and "Connecticut".

When using the seal, the impression should be affixed near, but not over, the notary's signature. The stamp bearing the words "My Commission Expires" should be placed below the notary's signature and the notary must write in the date on which their commission expires, unless the date appears on the stamp.

In any circumstance when a notary's signature is required, it must always be the original signature of the notary signed exactly as the name appears on the notary's certificate of appointment

Acceptable notarial certificates:

Acknowledgment (individual capacity):

State of Connecticut 
County of _________      ss. (Town/City)
On this the       day of                    , 20   , before me    (name of notary)    , the undersigned officer, personally appeared   (name of the school official who signed the document)  , known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that   (he/she)   executed the same for the purposes therein contained.
In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand.
  (Signature of the Notary Public)   
Signature of the Notary Public
  (Date Commission Expires)   
Date Commission Expires:
  (Printed Name of Notary Public)   
Printed Name of Notary Public 


State of Connecticut 
County of _________      ss. (Town/City)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this the       day of                    , 20    by    (name of the school official who signed the document)  .
  (Signature of the Notary Public)   
Signature of the Notary Public
  (Date Commission Expires)   
Date Commission Expires:
  (Printed Name of Notary Public)   
Printed Name of Notary Public 

Can a notary certify a copy of a transcript?

question answerYes, the State of Connecticut allows copy certification by notaries public. However, please check with the receiving foreign school / agency if they will accept a notarized copy. Many foreign schools require an original transcript signed by the school principal or registrar.

In case a notarized copy is acceptable, the notary should use the following notarial certificate (Connecticut Notary Public Guide)

Copy certification:

State of Connecticut 
County of _________      ss. (Town/City)
On this the       day of                    , 20    , I certify that the preceding or attached document, is a true, exact, complete, and unaltered copy made by me or under my supervision, of   (description fo the document, e.g. the transcript issued to [name of the student])  , presented to me by the document custodian,     (name)   , and to the best of my knowledge, the photocopied document is neither a public record or vital record, not a publicly recordable document, certified copies of which are available from an official source other than a notary.
  (Signature of the Notary Public)   
Signature of the Notary Public
  (Date Commission Expires)   
Date Commission Expires:
  (Printed Name of Notary Public)   
Printed Name of Notary Public 

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