dateNOVEMBER 2, 2018


Some foreign countries require that your document is translated, and that the translation is apostilled. Translation agencies usually provide an Affidavit of Translation Accuracy which is signed by a translator who confirms that he/she is competent to translate from English into the language of the target country, and that the translation is a true, complete and accurate translation of the original document. Then, the translator's signature is notarized, and the document is ready for an apostille.

Increasingly, translation agencies use the services of translators who work remotely, sometimes in foreign countries. In this case it is not possible to have the signature of the translator notarized. As a solution, the translation agencies provide a different kind of affidavit where a manager or another agency's official confirms that the translation was performed by a professional translator, and that the translation is accurate. The signature of the manager is then notarized.

Is this a proper way to have the translation attested? Is it possible to apostille the translation which was not certified by the translator? 

Related search terms: "new york apostille for tranlation", "translator's affidavit", "how to apostille translation", "secretary of state apostille for translation", "affidavit of translation accuracy"

Is it OK of the Affidavit of translation accuracy is not signed by the translator?

question answerIn our opinion, there is nothing wrong if a manager or the owner of the translation agency signs an Affidavit of Translation Accuracy, and his or her signature is then notarized. However, the NYC County Clerk has a different opinion. In New York State, getting an apostille is a two-step procedure, and the first step is authentication of the notary's signature by the Office of the County Clerk where the notary is qualified. We've encounted problems in New York City County Clerk's Office when presenting such affidavits for authentication of the notary's signature.

The translations got rejected because the affidavits were not signed by the actual translators. Frankly, we've only encounted this problem in New York City. From experience, other county clerk's do not have any objections to affidavits signed by a manager.

In any case, here is a sample translator's affidavit from the Office of New York City County Clerk (Manhattan):

Sample translator's affidavit:

Here is a sample translator's affidavit. It needs to be signed by the translator, and his/her signature must be notarized by a New York notary public. Then, the translation will be elgible for a New York apostille.  




I,                                                                             , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM COMPETENT ENOUGH TO

TRANSLATE FROM                                                          TO                                                                                   

AND THAT I HAVE TRANSLATED THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT FROM                                                          

TO                                                                                            AND THAT THE TRANSLATION IS ACCURATE TO



STATE OF NEW YORK                                                                                                                                                

COUNTY OF                                                                                     SIGNATURE



               DAY OF                                20                                                                                                                 


 ist1 6463761 exclamation mark icon compressedIMPORTANT! The New York City County Clerk also checks if a copy of the original document is attached to the translation.


NY apostille: price, processing time, order form

If you need to apostille the translation of your document, please make sure that the translator's signature is notarized, forward the document to us, and we will get an apostille for it. You can ask the translation agency to mail the document(s) straight to us.



price 4Apostille: $175 (FedEx 2nd day within the U.S. is included)
Processing time: 2-3 bus. days*.
Embassy legalization: $375** ($275 each add. document)
Processing time: depends on the embassy
FedEx (standard overnight): $25
FedEx (2nd day): $20
FedEx (standard overnight): $30
FedEx International: $75 (most countries)
FedEx International to Eastern Europe, South America, Africa: $115
FedEx International to Eastern Europe and South America:
* If the notary public is qualified in New York, Kings, Bronx, Queens, Richmond county. Documents from other counties ususally take longer (5-9 bus. days).
* Most embassies. Please call for an instant quote.

order form 3Apostille / Embassy Legalization Order Form (PDF file)

Complete the Order form and enclose it with your documents.

Our mailing address is

Foreign Documents Express
331 Newman Springs Rd., Bldg. 1
4th Floor, Suite 143
Red Bank, NJ 07701

Check if the Translator's affidavit is properly notarized 

General 3apostille acceptableThe signature of the Notary Public must be original. It must exactly match the sample signature filed with the office of the County Clerk in the county where the notary public is qualified.

apostille acceptable The notary's stamp must indicate the notary's name, license number, the name of the county where the notary is qualified, and the expiration date of the notary's license. If the notary does not have an ink stamp, the above information must be printed or typed in black ink.

apostille acceptable The notary must include a Certificate of acknowledgment or Jurat basically of the following form:


State of New York    )
                                 ) ss.:
County of . . . . . . .    )

On the . . . . . . day of . . . . . . in the year 20 . .  . . before me, the undersigned, personally appeared . . . . . ., personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies),

_______________         [Notary stamp] 
Notary Signature     

[Notary's name]               Date:

Notary Public, State of New York


Qualified in ....... County

My commission expires ...


State of New York    )
                                 ) ss.:
County of . . . . . . .    )

Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........ day of ........, 20 ......

_______________        [Notary stamp]
Notary Signature     

[Notary's name]               Date:

Notary Public, State of New York


Qualified in ....... County

My commission expires ...

Foreign Documents Express


331 Newman Springs Rd., Bldg. 1

4th Floor, Suite 143

Red Bank, NJ 07701


Phone: (646) 267-1140

Fax: (800) 905-0421




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